The Constant Battles


Sundays in person and online -10:30 am

Feb. 09, 2025

Sermon Points:

1) Who do you depend on in the battles you face?

"When David's strength failed, God protected him through the strength of others. God will allow us to be in a place where we need the strength of others." [Guzik]

2) We need God. We need each other too.

3) God may invite unexpected people to help you in your battles.

For the Lord is:

My Rock - My strength/stability

My Fortress - My secure place

My Deliverer - My rescue from danger

My God - My Divine Leader

My Shield - My protection

Horn of My Salvation - The power that saves and delivers me

My Stronghold - My place of security

My Savior - My rescue

4) Who is the Lord to you?

5) Will you call out to the Lord for the battles you face?